
ACBO Board of Directors 2025 – Revised Jan 4, 2025

The following is a list of the members of the American Council of the Blind of Ohio board of directors:

Board Member Requirements

The non-profit organization of the American Council of the Blind of Ohio (ACBO) is a membership organization with the majority of its membership, as well as its board of directors, being legally blind. All of its board of directors, five officers and eleven directors, are elected at-large by and from the membership in convention assembled. In addition, each of the chapters of this state affiliate of the national organization of the American Council of the Blind may elect or appoint a representative from among its membership to participate in board meetings.

All of the aforementioned have one vote each at the four regular board meetings held during the year to manage the affairs of ACBO. While the board of directors is well qualified and authorized to conduct all necessary business of the organization, the primary objective of the board, and the organization as a whole, is advocacy for equal access for visually impaired Ohioans to all aspects of society such as information, education, housing, employment, transportation, recreation, and to all else commonly available to the sighted citizens of Ohio. Therefore, for the board to best perform its directives, its members are elected to two year terms by the membership in convention assembled on the basis of their knowledge and experience in the field of blindness and their skills in advocacy.