Code of Conduct Statement
The American Council of the Blind of Ohio (hereinafter referred to as ACBO) is
committed to maintaining the integrity of its events by creating a welcoming,
professional, safe, and respectful environment for all who attend and/or
participate in its events. The term “events” shall include conferences,
meetings, functions, or any other gatherings sponsored or convened by ACBO. All
participants at ACBO events are required to adhere to this Code of Conduct
policy as drafted and adopted by the ACBO board of directors. This policy
defines prohibited conduct as including, but not limited to:
unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct on the basis of race, color,
sex, religion, age, national origin, disability, genetic information, gender
identification, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by
applicable law; or -
disrespectful, offensive and/or threatening conduct, verbal abuse, stalking,
bullying, violence, or intimidation.
Any person who believes that he or she has experienced or witnessed behavior
prohibited by this policy should report the conduct to the ACBO Executive
Director or ACBO President. Upon receipt of an allegation reported under this
policy, the ACBO Executive Committee will investigate and will thereafter
determine what, if any, action will be taken based on the circumstances. If
allegations are made against the president or the executive director, the first
vice-president will assume the position of chair of the Executive Committee.
Such action may include banning the individual from the event where the conduct
is determined to have occurred and any future events.
Nothing in this policy shall limit or preclude the free exchange of ideas and/or
opinions so long as such exchange does not involve threats or other prohibited
behavior as defined in this policy.