Matching Grants Application

Funds are available to any blind or visually impaired resident of Ohio or any chapter of ACB-Ohio to pay half the cost of a purchase or chapter project, up to $1000 (1000 dollars). Examples include but are not limited to:

The funds are to be used for new equipment. Requests for money to cover the cost of repairs considered on an individual basis. We do not cover funding for training; contact Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities at (800) 282-4536 for training.

Fill out the form below and supply either an invoice showing the expected cost or a receipt from the vendor within 90 days of purchase. If an item has been purchased, ACBO will send the buyer a check for the approved amount, up to half the cost, not to exceed $1000; if not, ACBO will send funds directly to the vendor.
If you have any questions, or would prefer an application in word format, contact Also,you can call: 614-261-3561.

Application Form

    If you did not check anything above, please attach a note from your eye doctors stating your current diagnosis, whether your condition is temporary or permanent, and whether your condition is stable or getting progressively worse.

    What will you use this money for, and how will you use what you purchase? (Explain in detail):

    Provide the name, address, and phone number of the vendor:

    You may attach a doc, docx, or pdf file below, if you need to, for doctors notes, receipts, etc. If you have more than one file, please email them to, with Matching Grants in the subject, and your name somewhere in the email, so we can match things correctly.

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